The Guarantee gives you greater peace of mind and certainty when you enter into a contract with a Franchise. You can get cover at all stages of the project - Concept and Feasability, Working Drawings and Contract or Build Stage.
Apply NowWhen you enter into a Works Contract with a Franchisee you expect the Works you have paid for to be completed.
In the event that the Franchisee enters liquidation and is no longer able to complete the Works, Magenta will answer for the Franchise’s obligations*.
For a small fee, you can get peace of mind on your home renovations or landscaping project.
Use this handy calculator to calculate what your Magenta Guarantee cover will cost you for your project.
Please note that you will need to do a separate application for each stage of the project.
For more information about the Magenta Guarantee, you can download the following guides
* to the extent specified in the Magenta Terms and Conditions. † up to the amount described in the Magenta Terms and Conditions.